2022-23 State of the Arts Report
Our 2022-23 State of the Arts report shows clear trends of recovery since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are disparities in arts access by school governance structure (district-managed, charter, contract, etc.) and by student demographics. Additional metrics that continue to challenge progress include instructional minutes in elementary schools and the breadth and depth of disciplines offered in high schools.
While sector-level findings can propel District and city strategy, stakeholders like arts partners and advocates are also interested in the arts education data for a subset of schools. This is why we harnessed Ingenuity’s mission for arts education access, quality, and equity and developed a new tool, the State of the Arts (SOTA) Dashboard.
The SOTA Dashboard is an interactive data visualization tool that allows stakeholders to explore the Creative Schools Certification data and download a custom PDF summary report based on specific filters such as school type (elementary or high school), school governance, enrollment, student demographics, CPS networks, community area, ward, and CSC ratings.
Visit the links below to review our SOTA report and dashboard, critical pathways to arts education equity, access, and quality.

Key Findings:
- 95% of CPS schools completed the Creative Schools Survey.
- 69% of schools were rated as Excelling or Strong in 2022-23 compared to 68% in 2019-20. A number of metrics have shown indications of recovery since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- 393 arts organizations worked with 568 schools in 2022-23. Partnerships between arts organizations and CPS schools continue to rebuild. The number of arts partners working in CPS has remained consistent between 2021-22 and 2022-23, but schools are having more partnerships.
- 75% of District-Managed schools were rated as Excelling or Strong, as compared to 49% of Non-District Managed schools. Disparities persist in the delivery of high-quality arts programming.
- Many schools still do not utilize the Updated (2018) Illinois Arts Learning Standards. In fact, 10% of high schools reported utilizing no standards.
- 40% of elementary schools rated as Excelling on the Minutes of Instruction. Elementary schools continue to struggle with providing two hours of arts instruction weekly to students.
- 24% of high schools were rated as Excelling in Disciplines & Depth in 2022-23. High schools continue to struggle with providing a breadth and depth of artistic disciplines. A high school must offer at least three artistic disciplines to be rated as Excelling on this measure.