Building your personalized professional development plan will help you and your supervisor to set realistic and specific goals for the year. We would suggest what you sit down with your supervisor at the beginning of the school year to reflect upon your practice and identify areas for professional growth. This self-assessment tool aims to help you manage your own learning and development by allowing you to reflect on which areas of the Arts Partner Standards of Practice you, and in some cases the organizations for which you work, would like to develop further. Look at the statements below. On the scale next to each statement, choose a rating that reflects your competency in that area.
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Integrating Educational and Artistic Practices:
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in offering high-quality instruction grounded in both an educational and artistic practices?
(e.g.: developmental stages of children, an understanding of my own artistic practice, possessing a clear balance between my artistic and educational identities, connecting my own artistic practice to the classroom, integrating the artistic process with the product(s), engaging students in active learning, tailoring instruction to meet student needs, engaging students in reflective practices)
Creating a Healthy Classroom Culture:
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in creating a healthy classroom culture that supports teaching and learning?
(e.g.: avoiding top-down communication, modeling civility and respect, understanding my personal biases, comfort in being a learner alongside students, utilizing student-relevant anchor works, representing the mission and values of my "home" organization with integrity, clear expectations, mutually understood boundaries, creation of a safe artistic space, using non-authoritarian management systems, engaging with families)
Seeking Understanding:
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in customizing quality instruction for students, communities, and schools?
(e.g.: understanding school procedures, understanding the school's Continuous Improvement Work Plan, understanding the community where the school is located, understanding student demographics, linguistic needs, IEPs, ability levels, specific learning needs, and inter-student dynamics)
Designing Curriculum:
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in designing a quality curriculum grounded in clear learning objectives?
(e.g.: incorporating critique and reflection, involving students in curriculum design, embedding behavior management routines into plans, grounding lesson and unit plans in standards and/or student learning outcomes, clearly aligning student outcome goals to chosen activities)
Aligning Assessments:
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in creating student assessments that are aligned with learning objectives and responsive to student's needs?
(e.g.: establishing assessment criteria, performance indicators, and performance assessments tied specifically to rubrics with clear descriptions of student achievement levels, using student-based language in assessment tools, eliciting student participation in defining assessment criteria, including levels of performance and standards)
Composing the Environment:
What is my level of comfort or knowledge in composing an arts education environment that supports quality instruction?
(e.g.: sufficient time allocated for transitions, reflection, and discussion, suitable and managed materials, a plan for, evaluating, and adjusting physical space needs with classroom teachers, school administrators, and their organizational leadership)
Conducting Evaluation:
What is my level of knowledge or comfort in inviting critical feedback to inform my future practice?
(e.g.: engaging in self-reflection, using student assessments outcomes to design future curricula and adapt instructional strategies, reviewing student work and/or portfolios)
Striving for Sustainability:
What is my level of knowledge or comfort in applying what I've learned and building sustainability within my "home" organization, the school, and the community?
(e.g.: communicating and sharing processes, outcomes, and practices with my "home" organization, clarifying student outcomes, how they were assessed, and how my teaching practice supports my "home" organization's strategic direction, actively seeking feedback, leveraging what I have learned with professional peers in support of a larger learning community, infusing my work with a spirit of collaboration)
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